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"What a breath of fresh air! Superb service from Charlotte."

A review of Thomson Holiday Superstore by Sally Chorlton written on Saturday 6th of February 2016


I was having difficulty booking a holiday on line. I had a screen saying there was a problem with my booking and if I tried to book again I would be charged twice! I therefore tried the phone number on the screen with no help at all.

I then phoned again and got Charlotte at the end of the phone. What a breath of fresh air! She assured me that I hadn't already been charged and then talked me through the booking again.

As a person of older years ,I was not made to feel stupid. I finished the conversation with the feeling that I could ring back at any time with questions about my holiday. In fact, I will ring after she has been to the hotel we booked for to see if she has any hints or tips.

Thank you Charlotte. You have restored my faith in speaking to people rather than always using a computer. Keep up the good work..

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Thomson Holiday Superstore

Map showing Thomson Holiday Superstore on The Fort Shopping Park
