A review of Little Sisters Of The Assumption by Pat McHardy written on Sunday 18th of July 2021
Our family were privileged to know all the Little Sisters who worked in the poorer areas of Edinburgh and Paisley from 1970. They were a wonderful example to everyone they met. I remember they used to visit a very large elderly lady (Jenny) who was bed-bound - Sr Joan used to tease her that by the time she had given her a bed bath she felt she had been round Arthur's Seat (a large hill in the centre of Edinburgh), another Sr used to say "Good Morning" to her neighbour every day he was in the garden and he completely ignored her - Jenny used to scold her until after a long time he eventually gave her a bunch of flowers!
We were all sad when we no longer had any Little Sisters in Scotland but thank God for having known them.
Pat McHardy.
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