A review of Kohinoor Club by Bal written on Saturday 20th of March 2010
This business no longer exists. It changed hands in the late 90s and suffered from gradual declining trade.
I grew up in Handsworth in the late 70s, with my family (dad, uncles and cousins) going to this pub/club on a regular basis. It was the social centre for that part of Soho Rd. The Gaffer was hospitable to all and kept the peace (in those fairly rough and challenging days). It was one of the first places I remember that got an Atari Space Invaders!! The 80's saw renovations both upstair and downstairs, with other family members added to the staff (two brothers..Rana and Mana??), plus a health dose of regulars who pitched in. It didn't matter what your Indian/Pakistani origins (caste, religion, all got on). It had its fair share of trouble, but issues were quickly settled by the Gaffer and his son, and even 'regulars' who were always there for backup!! It was certainly one of the key local places to go for a good pint, laughter and entertainment (movies, pool, table football). Unfortunately its strength (being a family pub (dad's, uncles, cousins, friends, etc..) was also a bit of a downfall. It took me a while but as I got older I started to miss the female presence - you know what I mean :)? Regardless a gem in the community (The 'Kohinoor' name is named after one of the largest diamonds in the world - from India), its a shame it changed hands and that the clientel, eventually disappeared...I guess its a reflection of changing times, the middle aged get older and want to stay at home, the youngsters of today want to go to the City bars and night spots. Oh well fond memories..
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