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"Helpful first then silence"

A review of Landvan Ltd by A Nonny Mouse written on Monday 13th of December 2010


I telephoned Landvan with my requirements and they called me back with details and were so helpful they even supplied a man with a van to get my goods to Birmingham City Centre. They told me how to use the lift as my storeage room (which was kind of a free upgrade) was on the third floor. They even had my things brought up to the third floor and I just placed it into the room.

Before I left I signed the contract and got all the contact details, but now I have left the country to sort other things out, I have heard nothing from them, not even to chase payments. I had to chase them to get bank details so I could make payments and emailed them with no replies.I'm worried my goods do not exist anymore!I wonder if they went bankrupt as there were no other signs of life when I was taking my things into the premises..

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Landvan Ltd

Map showing Landvan Ltd on Holloway Head
