A review of West Midlands Probation Service by Peace-Loving Citizen written on Tuesday 16th of August 2011
In response to Nick Clegg's advice to voice opinions to local probation service: I agree with many of the recent proposals attest by government, community leaders and the youths in improving community relations in light of the recent riots. My faith teaches that we all need to account to a power greater than ourselves. Be it God or by any other names is an important factor in the personal development of individuals - we are taught 'to love God and love and serve others'. This notion allows us to feel that we have a responsiblity towards ourselves, others and are part of a greater community or family. I am not a perfect parent by anyway, but have tried to instill these ideas into my children, just as my parents and grand parents did. I thank God for the Rev. and Mrs. Moon of the Unification Church whom have promoted Peace, True Love and Good Citizenship throughout the world. They have facillitated various service and commuinity projects that has brought together other faiths based on common priniciples - centring on true love. True love is the greatest initiator that allows peaceful interaction through an education of character development - the family is the first school of love. Therefore, we have various youth service activities, character and moral education that challenges people in developing their true selves. I challenge you to check for your self and you will be powerfully moved. The bible, Genesis 1 verse 28 gives us certain intructions to how to develop good citizenship through the Three Blessings - 'be fruitful and multiply,and fill the earth and subdue it ...'. These points can be clearly explain by contacting your local Unification Church. It's time for a change, before criminalising young people who are future leaders and teachers we should remove first the 'log in our eyes' and that refers to us all.
From a parent that loves young people, God and our one world. We have to create the environment were all children can grow and fulfill the full potential. Whilse we should consider all children to be like our own and deserve to be treated with true parental heart of forgiving and acceptance. Isn't true that we are all searching for true love?!. .
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