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"Morris and Jimmy liked to have a laugh"

A review of The Diskery by Recordscout written on Thursday 12th of September 2013


In the 70's and 80's I got seriously into Jazz, blues and old time R'n'B so living in Brum at that time The Diskery was a good place to buy stuff. Not cheap. But they had a huge stock of interesting LPs. I must have spend £100's, if not £1000's, there over a ten year period. Morris was usually there on a Friday otherwise it was Jimmy. And it was very sad to hear of Morris's passing. They were always keen to help you to find and buy new stuff you might not have heard of. And I did. They liked a laugh too and would pull people's legs in a laid back ironic hip Brummie kind of way. I guess for years they had been on the inside track and novices like me feeling my way through the musical past were ripe for a leg pull. However by the late 80's I knew a thing or two so when Morris saw me looking at a Leo Parker LP and proceeded to tell me, 'Yeh, that's a goodun. You know Leo was Charlie Parker's younger brother'. And nudge, nudge Morris chipped in 'I don't think he's playing on that record though' I knew of course that they were entirely unrelated although Leo's style was influenced by Charlie. I was having the mickey taken but I played along and bought the LP promising to give my opinion of the Bird's less famous brother next time I was in. Sadly for the profits of the Diskery I made that my last visit. You don't take the mickey out of the paying customer if you know what's good for business. Their prices were in any case beginning to be eye watering even for me and I was well paid. I was prompted to Google The Diskery and post this comment because I recently bought for £1.99 on Ebay a 70's re-issue of Ella Mae Morse's Capitol LP, The Morse Code with a Diskery price sticker on it for £13.75! Phew! It must have been worth a fiver at most. It had the 021 telephone number so must have been in stock about the time I parted company with Morris and Jimmy. I wouldn't use the shop although I do occasionally visit Brum but I am glad it survives because there are too few plastic vendors these days. I hope that now he hasn't got Morris to egg him on that Jimmy values the punters more and doesn't take the p*ss anymore also that the prices are more realistic.


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The Diskery

Map showing The Diskery on Bromsgrove Street
