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"I have an A-M-A-N shirt that I abolutely love"

A review of Aman Fashions by Sandra Bongiorno written on Sunday 11th of May 2014


But unfortunately I accidently put my iron on too hot a setting and it burned the back of it. If I could get another one of these shirts I'd feel so blessed. It fits like the most comfy pair of pj's you can find and it looks like a million dollars. Mine is made of a soft cotton (almost light weight gauzy feeling) and it's in a black and white paisley pattern. I'm so bummed out over this. Thanks for listening and if you get a chance to buy their clothing do so. I can't find anywhere down here in southwest Florida that sells A-M-A-N. If you know of someplace, please let me know.


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Aman Fashions

Map showing Aman Fashions on Moseley Road
