Home > Birmingham Street Index > Austin Way

Austin Way

This page shows businesses on Austin Way. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Blakeacre Ltd

Blakeacre Ltd is a haberdashery shop selling a range of sewing items such as buttons and zips.

Address: Austin Way, Hampstead Industrial Estate, Birmingham, West Midlands, B42 1DU

Bodycote (Birmingham)

Metal Heat Treatment

Address: Britannia House, Austin Way, Hampstead Industrial Estate, Birmingham, West Midlands, B42 1DU

Courtesy Catering

Courtesy Catering is a catering company providing food and catering equipment for a variety of occasions.

Address: Unit k Austin Way, Hampstead Industrial Estate, Birmingham, West Midlands, B42 1DU

Hurlstone & Partners

Hurlstone & Partners is a firm of engineering consultants offering a variety of engineering solutions.

Address: Britannia House, Austin Way, Hampstead Industrial Estate, Birmingham, West Midlands, B42 1DU

Marflow Engineering Ltd

Marflow Engineering Ltd is a plumbers' merchant offering a variety of plumbing supplies for the kitchen, bathroom and elsewhere.

Address: Austin Way, Hampstead Industrial Estate, Birmingham, West Midlands, B42 1DU


R Platnauer Ltd

R Platnauer Ltd is a manufacturer and repairer of a variety of jewellery items.

Address: Austin Way, Hampstead Industrial Estate, Birmingham, West Midlands, B42 1DU

Riverside Conference & Training Centre

Riverside Conference & Training Centre is a conference centre providing a large venue for many different conventions.

Address: Unit K Austin Way, Hampstead Industrial Estate, Birmingham, West Midlands, B42 1DU

Roc Office Furniture PLC

Roc Office Furniture PLC is a furniture company providing a range of furniture and other equipment for offices.

Address: Austin Way, Birmingham, West Midlands, B42 1DF

X P B Imports Ltd

X P B Imports Ltd is a firm of import and export agents who deal with freight and traffic from overseas customers.

Address: Austin Way, Hampstead Industrial Estate, Birmingham, West Midlands, B42 1DU


Map showing Austin Way in Birmingham.
