Home > Birmingham Street Index > Catesby Park

Catesby Park

This page shows businesses on Catesby Park. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Harris (Engineering) Ltd

Harris (Engineering) Ltd is a retailer of soft furnishings, with a range of upholstered and other comfort items for the home.

Address: 400 Catesby Pk, Kings Norton, Birmingham, West Midlands, B38 8SE

Rail Tech UK

Railway Equipment Manufacturers

Address: 5 Catesby Pk, Kings Norton, Birmingham, West Midlands, B38 8SE

Thomas Walker PLC

Thomas Walker PLC is a haberdashery shop selling a range of sewing items such as buttons and zips.

Address: Catesby Pk, Kings Norton, Birmingham, West Midlands, B38 8SE


Map showing Catesby Park in Birmingham.
