Home > Birmingham Street Index > Cole Bank Road

Cole Bank Road

This page shows businesses on Cole Bank Road. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Chiltern Care Home

Chiltern Care Home is a retirement home providing residential and other facilities for senior citizens.

Address: 16 Cole Bank Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, West Midlands, B28 8EX

Pearce Legal & Co

Pearce Legal & Co is a firm of solicitors offering advice on a range of legal issues.

Address: 60 Cole Bank Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, West Midlands, B28 8EY

Peter Ferguson

Peter Ferguson is a mobile phone shop selling a range of phones and associated products.

Address: 77 Cole Bank Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, West Midlands, B28 8EZ

South Birmingham College

South Birmingham College is a sixth form college providing a range of A-level and other further education courses to students from the age of 16.

Address: Cole Bank Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, West Midlands, B28 8ES

The Care & Early Years Department

The Care & Early Years Department is a sixth form college providing a range of A-level and other further education courses to students from the age of 16.

Address: Cole Bank Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, West Midlands, B28 8ES



Virgo is a firm of music publishers who are involved in a variety of different music and artists.

Address: Cole Bank Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, West Midlands, B28 8EZ


Map showing Cole Bank Road in Birmingham.
