Home > Birmingham Street Index > College Walk

College Walk

This page shows businesses on College Walk. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Barrier Free Communications

Barrier Free Communications caters for people with a range of disabilities and makes their lives easier.

Address: 12 College Walk, Birmingham, West Midlands, B29 6LE

Birmingham Multi Care

Birmingham Multi Care caters for people with a range of disabilities and makes their lives easier.

Address: 12 College Walk, Birmingham, West Midlands, B29 6LE


DeafPLUS is a charity whose volunteers work towards a worthwhile cause.

Address: Prospect Hall, 12 College Walk, Birmingham, West Midlands, B29 6LE

Deafplus Midlands

Deafplus Midlands is a not-for-profit organisation established for charitable purposes.

Address: 1 College Walk, Birmingham, West Midlands, B29 6LE

Disability (West Midlands)

Disability (West Midlands) is a charity which raises money for a good cause.

Address: 12 College Walk, Birmingham, West Midlands, B29 6LE



E E I B A is a charitable organisation which supports a worthwhile cause.

Address: Flat 7 Buckingham Court, College Walk, Birmingham, West Midlands, B29 6LE

Gemeindehaun House

Gemeindehaun House is a hostel offering budget accommodation and other facilities for a variety of people.

Address: 1 College Walk, Birmingham, West Midlands, B29 6LE

Home Start (Solihull)

Home Start (Solihull) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to a worthwhile cause.

Address: 12 College Walk, Birmingham, West Midlands, B29 6LE

Prospect Hall Ltd

Prospect Hall Ltd is a non-profit organisation which works for charitable purposes.

Address: 12 College Walk, Birmingham, West Midlands, B29 6LE


Map showing College Walk in Birmingham.
