Home > Birmingham Street Index > Idmiston Croft

Idmiston Croft

This page shows businesses on Idmiston Croft. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Pattines Hair & Beauty Salon

Pattines Hair & Beauty Salon is a hair salon offering various options for men's and women's hair.

Address: 11 Idmiston Croft, Birmingham, West Midlands, B14 5NJ

Star Value Food Store

Star Value Food Store is a general store selling a range of household supplies and groceries.

Address: 15-17 Idmiston Croft, Birmingham, West Midlands, B14 5NJ

The Cake Box

The Cake Box makes and decorates different types of cakes for a variety of occasions.

Address: 9 Idmiston Croft, Birmingham, West Midlands, B14 5NJ

Videorama & Licensed Food Store

Videorama & Licensed Food Store is a video library which rents out films and TV programmes on Blu-ray, DVD and video.

Address: 15-17 Idmiston Croft, Birmingham, West Midlands, B14 5NJ


Map showing Idmiston Croft in Birmingham.
