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Knutswood Close

This page shows businesses on Knutswood Close. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Pauline Alder Singing Tuition

Pauline Alder Singing Tuition is a music teacher offering instrument lessons to pupils of various ages and abilities.

Address: 9 Knutswood Cl, Birmingham, West Midlands, B13 0EN

Reviews of Establishments on Knutswood Close

Find out what people are saying about places on Knutswood Close.

The best vocal coah in the midlands! - review of Pauline Alder Singing Tuition by Ash

Pauline is a fabulous coach! I've had years of bad habits, pauline gave me exercises which instantly eliminated all the bad technique- i am so impressed. My voice used to hurt and strain... More »


Map showing Knutswood Close in Birmingham.
