Home > Birmingham Street Index > Merritts Brook Lane

Merritts Brook Lane

This page shows businesses on Merritts Brook Lane. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Allens Cross Working Mens Club

Allens Cross Working Mens Club is a social club offering a venue for various gatherings and social events in the local area.

Address: 21 Merritts Brook Lane, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 1PW

Classic Hair & Beauty

Classic Hair & Beauty is a unisex hairdresser which offers various hair services and products for men and women.

Address: 233 Merritts Brook Lane, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 1UJ

Combat Shop

Surplus store

Address: 229 Merritts Brook Lane, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 1UJ

Didlydee Relationship Consultancy

Didlydee Relationship Consultancy offers a range of counselling and other support services to people in need of help and advice.

Address: Merritts Brook Lane, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 1UH

New Ruby

New Ruby is a food outlet offering a selection of meals to take away.

Address: 241 Merritts Brook Lane, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 1UJ


Shopacheck Financial Services Ltd

Shopacheck Financial Services Ltd is a loans company offering a range of different loans

Address: 225 Merritts Brook Lane, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 1UJ


SMS is a convenience store selling a range of household supplies and groceries.

Address: 249 Merritts Brook Lane, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 1UJ

Stop 'N' shop

Stop 'N' shop is a convenience store selling a range of household supplies and groceries.

Address: 227 Merritts Brook Lane, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 1UJ

The Beeches

The Beeches is a friendly public house offering a relaxing place to eat and drink.

Address: Merritts Brook Lane, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 1UL


Washeteria is a dry cleaners offering a range of cleaning and other clothing and linen services.

Address: 231 Merritts Brook Lane, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 1UJ


Map showing Merritts Brook Lane in Birmingham.
