Home > Birmingham Street Index > Ridgacre Lane

Ridgacre Lane

This page shows businesses on Ridgacre Lane. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Global Surveys Ltd

Global Surveys Ltd is a firm of land surveyors offering a variety of services including the production of maps and plans.

Address: 2 Ridgacre Lane, Birmingham, West Midlands, B32 1ES

Mr Stopps The Barbers

Mr Stopps The Barbers is a barbers' shop offering haircare services, specialising in men's hair and beards.

Address: 90 Ridgacre Lane, Birmingham, West Midlands, B32 1PT

Sun World Quinton

Sun World Quinton is a tanning salon offering a range of cosmetic tanning treatments including sunbeds.

Address: 98 Ridgacre Lane, Birmingham, West Midlands, B32 1PT


Map showing Ridgacre Lane in Birmingham.
